23 Şubat 2012 Perşembe

Microsoft® Visual Studio® Tips , kod yazmayı kolaylaştıran kestirme yollar.

Microsoft® Visual Studio® Tips

Kod yazmayı kolaylaştıran kestirme yollar.

Ctrl+Enter :Insert a line Above
Ctrl+Shift+Enter  :Insert a line below
Ctrl+W :Select current word
Ctrl+Delete  :Delete the next word
Ctrl+Backspace :Delete the preceding word
Ctrl+L :Cut the current line
Ctrl+Shift+L :Delete the current line
Ctrl+Shift+U :ToUpper
Press Ctrl+U :ToLower
Ctrl+F2 :Reach the navigation bar
Ctrl+K, Ctrl+C :Comment
Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U :UnComment
Ctrl+K, Ctrl+D :Format All the Document
Ctrl+K, Ctrl+F :Format the Selection
Ctrl+M, Ctrl+M :Collapse and expand code
Ctrl+M, Ctrl+L :Collapse and expand All
Ctrl+M, Ctrl+O :Collapse to Definitions
Ctrl+K, Ctrl+X :Insert a code snippet
Ctrl+I :Incremental search

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